Can you start without first submitting an application?

Please watch the video to learn whether you should start without planning permission.

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How to apply for planning permission

New Build 

It is strongly recommended that before you even make any significant financial commitment for architectural designs, planning permission or construction materials you at least find out whether your project is feasible.

Even if we believe your project is feasible and stands a very good chance of gaining planning approval, we strongly recommend no works are started or contractors booked until you have all of the necessary approvals in place. Doing so would be at your own risk!

Planning permission is never guaranteed, purchasing materials, booking contractors or starting works before you have planning approval could prove very costly in the event that planning permission is refused. If an application is rejected it is of course possible to appeal or submit a new application for a different development proposal but approval is still not guaranteed.

All new build flats and houses will need building regulations approval and structural engineering calculations. Any reputable builder will tell you that they can’t quote let alone start without building regulations drawings and structural engineering calculations. Not only are this required for compliance and safety but these are very technical and will determine what materials are required. If you start building before you have these there is a high risk that you will need to make costly retrospective repairs or demolish it and start again to get it up to spec.

If you are found to have started construction without planning permission this would be a planning breach resulting in enforcement action. On a daily basis we receive enquiries from clients who have received planning enforcements and been given 28 days to secure planning permission or demolish their development, which is a very costly and stressful situation.

If you do get it wrong and receive an enforcement and if planning can’t be approved retrospectively you would also need to put the property back to its original state!

For these reasons it is strongly recommended that you seek professional advice and secure all the relevant approvals before you make a start on any new build development.

If you would like to find out what is required for your new build, the likelihood of success or the costs associated with applying for planning permission please contact us to speak with one of our expert planning consultants today.

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